2024 PELI Cohort

Erin Duquette, M.D.
Board of Governors at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
I am an emergency physician at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center. I attended medical school at SUNY Buffalo, trained in emergency medicine at the University of Tennessee, and completed a fellowship in Social Emergency Medicine and Population Health at Stanford University.

Nikiruka Emeagwali, M.D.
Attending Physician at Rutland Regional Medical Center
Nkiruka Emeagwali, M.S., M.D., Ph.D., completed her residency training in the departments of internal medicine and pediatrics at Brown University and her fellowship training in pulmonary and critical care medical at Yale University. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Johns Hopkins University in Biomedical & Materials Science & Engineering and Applied Biomedical Engineering respectively. She then obtained and MD and PhD from Meharry Medical College in Nashville TN. She is enjoying her time serving the Rutland Community as an attending physician in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Rutland Regional Medical Center in VT.

Elizabeth Forbes, M.D.
Division Chief, Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics at University of Vermont Children's Hospital
Dr. Beth Forbes joined the UVM Children's Hospital in 2018. She currently works in the hospital's multidepartmental Autism Assessment Program.

Joshua Kallen, MD
Medical Director Diagnostic Imaging at Northwestern Medical Center
I am board certified in diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology with the last 10 years in private practice. Currently in first administrative role as Medical Director without any formal leadership training. I am looking to improve my leadership skills and to learn how to think in terms of the department/hospital/community after 10 years of focusing on one patient at a time.

Bronwyn Kenny, M.D.
Program Director, OB/GYN Residency at University of Vermont Medical Center
I am an ob/gyn generalist and the residency program director at the University of Vermont Medical Center. I grew up in Rhode Island, went to med school in St. Louis, and then moved to Vermont when I matched here for residency.

Nels Kloster, M.D.
Medical Director at the Vermont Practitioner Health Program
Since completing residency, I have worked in numerous setting throughout VT treating substance misuse.

Tiffini Lake, MD
Program Director Chronic Pain Fellowship at University of Vermont Medical Center
I am an Anesthesiologist who is fellowship trained in Chronic Interventional Pain Medicine and am the current program director for this fellowship. I moved to Vermont 20 years ago for my fellowship training and have worked at UVMMC ever since.

Rachel LaRocca, M.D.
Site Lead at Central Vermont Medical Center
I am a family medicine physician in central Vermont. I have a passion for broad-scope family medicine, rural medical practice, and care for underserved and minority populations such as refugees and LGBTQ+. When I am not working, I enjoy spending time outdoors exploring what Vermont and New England have to offer.

Monique Morneault, PA-C
Physician Assistant in Burlington, VT
I currently work on inpatient psychiatry providing patient care. I also serve as a member of the department Clinical Leadership team and am also on the Mental Health Bed Placement project, working to optimize utilization of inpatient psychiatry beds within the organization. Historically I have served as an elected member of the APP Council, the OPPE/PPPE development committee, and the Utilization Review committee within the organization.

John "Nez" Nesbitt, M.D.
Emergency Medicine Practitioner in St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Keener, NH
John “Nez” Nesbitt practices emergency medicine in St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Keene, NH following a roundabout path from science to medicine. As a former teacher, forest ecologist and ski patroller, Nez enjoys connecting with patients in the emergency department where uncertainty prevails. Beyond work, Nez enjoys getting outside in the mountains with his wife and their two girls.

Melissa Volansky, M.D.
Designated Institutional Officer at Maple Mountain Consortium
Primary care family physician in Lamoille County since 1999. Involved in two-year planning grant to launch a rural family medicine residency in Vermont's rural FQHC's.

Michael Vooris, PA
Physician Assistant at Rutland Regional Medical Center
I have been a PA for 18 years. I have worked in the ER at RRMC for the last 10 years and been the lead APP in the ED at RRMC for 7 years.