Medical Staff Clinician Well-Being Workshops

VMS realizes our members are under more personal and professional stress than ever. VMS is continuing our partnership with Doug Wysockey-Johnson of Lumunos Clinician Well-Being Services to offer no-cost clinician wellbeing workshops over 2023 and 2024.

Lumunos Clinician Well-Being Workshops are designed to support clinicians in meeting the demands of modern health care. Our workshops are built around our daily experience working with physicians, nurses, APPs and clinical leaders across the country. These meetings are designed to be efficient, effective and interactive, with topics that directly address the biggest challenges clinicians face daily. Many hospitals choose to offer these for Continuing Education credit.

Presenter: Our workshops are led by Doug Wysockey-Johnson, Program Director of Lumunos, a seasoned facilitator with 15 years of experience leading clinician groups. Doug has been partnering with the Vermont Medical Society to provide clinician wellbeing workshops to Vermont medical staffs and practices since 2019. He and his family live in Richmond, VT.

Presentation Length: Anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, tailored to your needs. Workshops are available via videoconference or in-person. Topics for 2024 are listed below and can be combined or modified to meet your specific needs.

Cost: Thanks to grant funding from the Physician Foundation, the Vermont Medical Society ( is able to make Lumunos presentations available at no cost.

If you are interested in learning more or scheduling a Clinician Workshop, please contact Jessa at or Doug at

Presentation Offerings for 2024

A Clinician’s Guide to Recovering from the COVID Marathon

Description: The pandemic has wreaked havoc on clinician’s lives. Work and home have been disrupted in significant ways over a long period of time. Regardless of whether you would elevate your experience of being a clinician during the pandemic as ‘traumatic,’ there are lessons to be learned from the current research on Post Traumatic Growth and change theory. This workshop will give clinicians an opportunity to process, learn and gain insights from their experience of the COVID Marathon.

A Realistic Look at ‘Work-Home Balance’ for Clinicians

Description: ‘Work-Home balance’ is one of those phrases that sounds nice in theory, but is challenging for clinicians to pull off even in non-pandemic times. This workshop will take an honest look at what kind of work/home balance is possible for clinicians. More importantly, evidenced based research tools will be offered for how to move toward better work/home balance that fits individual clinician’s lives.

Communication Skills to Improve Relationships at Work and Home

Description: Using research from Crucial Conversations[i] and other communication models, this workshop is offered to improve relationships in any setting. Acrucial conversation” is a discussion between two or more people where “the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong.” In other words, the kind of interactions clinicians have all the time. In this interactive workshop, providers will be given the tools needed to improve relationships in any setting.

Lead Well While Being Well

Description: There is an increasing body of research linking the well-being of leaders to those he/she seeks to lead. At the same time, the demands of leadership often make self-care challenging. This workshop is designed to give clinical and administrative leaders tools to care for the well-being of their teams while also practicing good self-care at the same time.

[i] Crucial Conversation, Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler McGraw Hill; 2nd edition (September 7, 2011)