Resources to Assist you and Your Patients with Immigration Enforcement

Resources - Immigration Enforcement in Health Care Settings

In January 2025, the Trump Administration rescinded a Biden-era policy that protected certain areas - including churches, schools, and hospitals and health care settings - from immigration enforcement.

Health care facilities should be prepared to respond if immigration enforcement agents come to speak to patients, staff or the public.

Resources for health care facilities:

  • Webinar for employers - Mike Pieciak’s Task Force on the Federal Transition, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, and Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR) will host a webinar on Thursday, February 6 from 11 AM to 12:30 PM for Vermont employers to discuss their rights, obligations, and prudent steps they can take to prepare for a worksite visit from ICE. Attendees can RSVP here
  • Factsheets from the National Immigration Law Center that describe what the protected areas policy was, what laws apply to those areas now, and additional details on protecting the rights of health care facilities, staff, and patients
  • Fact sheets from the National Immigration Law Center for employers.
  • Greater New York Hospital Association flow chart with guidance on how to respond if an ICE agent comes to a health care setting.
  • Information about the intersection of HIPAA and requests for documents that disclose immigration status (note that the section of this guidance regarding immigration enforcement has not been updated since the Trump Administration’s change in policy)
  • Examples of sample policies and the types of warrants that might be presented at health care facilities from the California Attorney General (note that some of this guidance is specific to California law).
  • University of Vermont Health Network guidance they are providing to staff.
  • Toolkit on Welcoming and Protecting Immigrants in Healthcare Settings

Resources for families, patients and the community:

Resources - Immigration Enforcement in Health Care Settings

In January 2025, the Trump Administration rescinded a Biden-era policy that protected certain areas - including churches, schools, and hospitals and health care settings - from immigration enforcement. Health care facilities should be prepared to respond if immigration enforcement agents come to speak to patients, staff or the public. Resources for health care facilities: 

  • Webinar for employers - Mike Pieciak’s Task Force on the Federal Transition, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, and Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR) webinar for Vermont employers regarding discuss their rights, obligations, and prudent steps they can take to prepare for a worksite visit from ICE: Office of the State Treasurer YouTube Channel