2025 Advocacy Breakfasts
RSVP Today!
Join us for Coffee!
Please join us in 2025 to meet your lawmakers and to advocate for health care policies over coffee and a light breakfast.
These breakfasts, which will be held in the cafeteria at the Vermont Statehouse in Montpelier, are an informal opportunity to educate lawmakers on ways to improve Vermont's practice environment. Each breakfast starts on specific Wednesdays at 8-9:00AM.
The Vermont Medical Society (VMS) will be trading off hosting the breakfasts with the Vermont Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter, the Vermont Ophthalmological Society, along with OB/GYN residents and UVMMC medical students. When you RSVP you will be asked to attend the breakfasts being hosted by the specialty societies you are a member of. The VMS encourages all specialties to attend the advocacy breakfasts they are hosting. Please reach out to Jill Sudhoff-Guerin at jsudhoffguerin@vtmd.org if you have any questions.
Vermont Medical Society - All Specialties Encouraged to Join
- January 15, 2025
- April 16, 2025
Medical Student Interest Group (12:30pm - 2pm)
- January 28, 2025
- February 5, 2025
Vermont Academy of Family Physicians
- February 19, 2025
- April 2, 2025
- April 30, 2025
American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter
- March 19, 205
Vermont Ophthalmological Society
- March 26, 2025
RSVP for any of the dates above here.
To help you prepare, we are holding a planning webinar for participants in all of the breakfasts covering key topics up for discussion at the legislature, messaging basics and logistics for the breakfasts. Stay tuned for when we finalize the date!
Your voice can make a difference!
Now more than ever, VMS member voices are critical to improving care for Vermonters, Vermont’s health care system and your practice environment.
Learn how to craft your message!
The VMS has created this toolkit to help you craft an effective advocacy messge.